Saving money is an essential habit that everyone should cultivate but managing your savings is just as important. It helps you set aside funds for emergencies, future expenses, or financial goals. In today’s world, where financial planning and savings are more critical than ever, you must consider all the options available. One such option is having multiple savings accounts. You may wonder if having more than one savings account is beneficial. The short answer is yes.
Having multiple savings accounts provides the advantage of better managing your money, getting access to different interest rates, and enjoying different features. Here are some of the benefits of having multiple savings accounts:
Better organisation of your money: By utilizing different types of savings accounts for various financial objectives, such as an emergency fund or a down payment on a house, you can easily track your progress towards each specific goal and avoid dipping into one fund to cover expenses in another area.
Access to better interest rates: Different banks offer different interest rates on their savings accounts. By doing a little research and opening accounts with banks offering high interest rates, you can earn more money on your savings overall. Having multiple savings accounts can also help you take advantage of the promotional interest rates that banks offer for new account openings.
Effective budgeting of expenses: Budgeting can be daunting but having multiple savings accounts can make it easier. When you separate your savings goals into different accounts, you can easily see how much money you have available for each goal. This makes creating a budget that aligns with your financial objectives easier. Additionally, you can use one savings account for saving money for goals while another solely for undertaking day-to-day transactions.
Avoid overspending: Having multiple savings accounts can also help you avoid overspending. For example, if you have a single savings account for all your goals and financial needs, you may be tempted to dip into it for non-essential expenses, like eating out or shopping. However, if you have separate accounts for different purposes, you’re less likely to dip into your emergency fund for a shopping spree. This can help you stay disciplined and focused on your financial goals.
Access to different banking services: Different banks in India offer different types of services, such as mobile banking, online banking, and investment services. Having multiple savings accounts allows you to access a wider range of services, allowing you to choose the ones that best suit your needs.
Protection of your savings: If you keep all of your savings in one account, it could be at risk if the bank fails or is hacked. By spreading your savings across multiple accounts at different banks, you can reduce such risk and protect your savings.
Ease of transactions: Having multiple savings accounts can make it easier to transact money. For instance, you could have one account for salary deposits and another for bill payments. This can help you manage your finances more efficiently and avoid the hassle of transferring funds between accounts.
To sum up
Although managing multiple savings accounts can be more work, it can be a useful method to control spending and reach savings targets. By dividing savings among various accounts, you can accurately monitor how much you have saved for each goal and capitalise on better interest rates and promotional offers. Keeping track of each account’s details is essential to avoid missing fees and to notice fraudulent transactions.